Lee  Respiratory  and  Sleep  Clinic
38  IRRAWADDY  ROAD  #08-27
hone:+65 62689838    fax:+65 62689938
Mount Alvernia Medicial Centre D
820 Thomson Road #05-58, SINGAPORE  574623
phone:+65 62585238    fax:+65 62583858
24hr phone+65 65358833



About Dr Lee
Dr. Lee Yeow Hian is a Consultant Chest and Sleep Physician and a Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine currently practicing in  the Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre.
Dr Lee graduated with honours from the Faculty of Medicine at the Queen’s University of Belfast in 1997. He underwent his basic medical training in the United Kingdom, during which he worked in the Regional Respiratory Unit in Northern Ireland. Subsequent to becoming a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK), he embarked upon his higher specialist training in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in Alexandra Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore.
He was awarded the Health Manpower Development Program Award to do a fellowship in Sleep Medicine in The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Sydney where he trained under world leaders in Sleep Medicine such as Professor Ron Grunstein. During his time in the Centre for Respiratory Failure and Sleep disorders, in The Royal Prince Alfred, he honed his interest not only in the management of sleep disorders but also in that of chronic respiratory failure, including the use of non-invasive as well as invasive ventilation both in the hospital as well as in the home setting. He published his thesis on “The prevalence and risk factors for sleep disordered breathing in a multiethnic population of morbidly obese patients presenting for bariatric surgery” and obtained his Masters degree in Sleep Medicine with the University of  Sydney in 2007, where he worked with another doyen in field of Sleep Medicine, Professor Colin Sullivan, the inventor of CPAP (Continuous Airway Pressure) therapy. This makes him one of the few Sleep Medicine Specialists in Singapore with formal qualifications registrable with the Singapore Medical Council.
He is accredited as a specialist in intensive care medicine by the Ministry of Health in Singapore and was appointed as a trainer in intensive care medicine by the joint committee on specialist training. As part of his contribution to intensive care medicine, he was appointed as a core faculty member of the Simulation and Integrated Medical Training Advancement Centre in Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
Since coming back to Singapore, Dr. Lee was appointed as the principle physician in charge of the sleep laboratory in Alexandra Hospital and subsequently in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Prior to coming out to private practice, he was a Consultant in the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he was instrumental in developing the sleep services in TTSH. He continues to be a visting consultant and helms the sleep services in both Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.
Dr. Lee is recognised in his expertise in Sleep Medicine and has been invited to speak at major scientific conferences internationally as well as in the region, including the World Congress of Sleep Apnoea in Seoul in 2009.

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